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Employer-Assisted Housing Initiative Guide For State & Local REALTOR® Associations

Much of our workforce, including those who provide vital services to a community such as firefighters, police officers, teachers, health workers, cannot afford to live in the communities where they work or serve. This guide provides a roadmap to plan and implement an employer-assisted housing (EAH) initiative which can help working families in your community move beyond the most common homeownership hurdles enabling them to purchase, or rent, a home, often within neighborhoods located near the workplace. The guide includes examples of EAH initiatives some associations have already implemented as well as a set of tools and resources to help you implement your initiative.

You can download the entire toolkit to print and review. You can also print out individual tools and resources for staff and committee members to discuss and then customize and others to disseminate at events or to partners.

Download the entire toolkit >

Tools & Resources 


EAH Event Planning

EAH Fact Sheets for Event Attendees and Partners

For Employers


Holly Moskerintz

Call for Action + Issue Awareness 

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