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Community Outreach

NAR’s Community Outreach Programs encourage and assist REALTOR® Associations, and their REALTOR® members, to become leaders in their communities on issues that affect the real estate industry.  Many of the outcomes not only make for better neighborhoods but also may help to increase property values in a community.

In addition to making your community a better place to live and work, becoming engaged in your community can strengthen your community influence and enhance your public relation efforts.   It will give you a seat at the table and prime you to become more politically involved in issues that affect the real estate market.

Our Community Outreach Programs can help you address a variety of issues in your community including affordable workforce housing challenges, land use and development issues, community revitalization, transportation planning and fair housing.




Technical Assistance


Call for Action + Issue Awareness 

Why We Vote
Find out how REALTORS® use their power at the polls to support the REALTOR® Party! Get ready for the elections, meet the candidates and make sure you're registered to vote!
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