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For FPCs

A Federal Political Coordinator's most valuable contribution to NAR is the relationship they develop with their Member of Congress. In addition to regular contact with the assigned Member of Congress, there are several specific tasks that are required to fulfill the role of FPC. Please review them below.

Federal Political Coordinator Manual
Submit Photos to the FPC Photo Gallery

1. Respond to All NAR Calls for Action

FPCs are expected to respond to ALL NAR Calls for Action they receive.  As NAR's key REALTOR® communicators with Congress, FPCs are looked upon as leaders by their REALTOR® colleagues and should lead by example.  After responding to a Call for Action, FPCs should also encourage their fellow REALTORS® to do the same.

2. Advocate on Behalf of All REALTORS® and the REALTOR® Party

The REALTOR® Party is the non-partisan approach to moving forward legislation that is of benefit and value to all REALTORS®. FPCs must be able to remain neutral on the issues and remove their personal bias before advocating on any REALTOR®-supported issue 100% of the time.

3. Contact Assigned Member of Congress At Least Once per Quarter and Submit a Field Report

FPCs should have a minimum of four personal contacts with their Member of Congress (or staff) per year (meetings, RPAC check deliveries, etc.). FPCs are encouraged, however, to not limit that number to four and should communicate with their assigned Member of Congress as often as possible. Filing a field report after each meeting alerts NAR lobbying, policy and RPAC staff (if a check delivery was part of the interaction) as well as state government affairs staff that the meeting occurred and follow up may be required.

 File a Field Report

4. Participate in Training as Required

All FPCs must complete required training whether it be in person or online. Being familiar with each NAR issue is essential to advocate on behalf of REALTORS® - this issue education will occur in the training modules.

5. Utilize and Deliver All RPAC Contributions in a Timely Manner

FPCs are each allocated In-State Funds that they can use at their discretion to help develop their relationship with their Member of Congress. FPCs are to ensure that these funds are utilized early in the two-year cycle (six-year cycle for Senators). $1,000 is allocated for each Representative and $2,000 for each Senator, per cycle. FPCs are also responsible for delivery of additional RPAC checks as approved by the RPAC National Trustees. They should ensure that each check is delivered in a timely manner.

6. Attend Each Annual Midyear Meeting

FPCs are reimbursed up to $1,000 for travel expenses incurred to attend the Midyear Meetings. Each FPC should make every effort to attend to lead the issue advocacy in their respective Member of Congress' office. This is the most important federal meeting of the year, and FPC participation is vital.

7. Develop a Contact Team

Each FPC should identify REALTORS® in the district that can assist in their duties, and should notify their state RPMIC member upon doing so. The FPC should maintain regular communication with the team on the NAR issues and CFAs. The team should be ready to aid the FPC in check deliveries or facilitate a meeting in the FPC's absence if necessary. Members of the team will be viewed as possible replacements for the FPC should the time come to step down. How to Build an FPC Team. Download the Recruitment Team Template.

8. FPCs should support their Assigned Member of Congress

FPCs may not engage in activities that support or can be perceived as supporting their Member’s opponent, including but not limited to contributing to the opponent’s campaign.  Such activities may be the basis for considering terminating the FPC’s appointment.

9. Sign and Return a Pledge Form to NAR

The Pledge is an agreement between the appointed FPC and NAR. By signing the form, the FPC agrees to carry out their duties to the best of their ability and acknowledges they can be removed for failure to fulfill the role.

**FPCs are also encouraged to make a voluntary contribution to RPAC, as a tangible, credible sign of their commitment to NAR's legislative objectives and their understanding of RPAC's importance in achieving those goals.**

We are here to support you anyway that we can. Questions? Contact Victoria Givens at 202-383-1021 or

Call for Action + Issue Awareness 

File a Field Report
Calling All FPCs: Tell us about your recent interaction with a legislator.

File a Report