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REALTOR® Party Hub Setup Form

Once you have signed up for a REALTOR® Party Hub training class (either online or in-person), you need to complete a Center Setup Form. This document is sent to the REALTOR® Party Hub support team to create your association's center on the REALTOR® Party Hub and to populate it with your NRDS data.

You may also choose to elect to connect your REALTOR® Party Hub Center to NAR's eCommerce System. This will allow you to manage collection of funds for paid, ticketed events and for non-PAC fundraising. Please note that if you wish to perform online PAC solicitations and facilitate the collection of PAC donations via a fundraising form you need to enroll in NAR's PAC Management Program.

 Download the Center Setup Form
Get eCommerce Enrollment Forms

The Center Start Up Form form is a fillable PDF. Enter your information in the form fields and then save the PDF.

If your association already has a center, you do not need to complete this form again. It is only needed for the initial creation of your center when you join the program.

If you're unsure whether or not your association has used GetActive/Convio before, please contact

Once the document has been completed, please email the file to

After you have attended the in-person training or alternatively successfully completed the online training class, you will receive an email with your login credentials to your new REALTOR® Party Hub center.