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Fair Housing Resources for Associations

NAR provides a number of resources to keep associations up to date on the latest fair housing information for REALTORS®.  Educating and protecting the real estate professional on the best way to serve clients, without regard to race, creed, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or nationality, is a key goal of NAR’s and benefits every agent’s bottom line.

Below are some of the ways state and local associations can help their members learn more about fair housing.

 Fair Housing Programs and Resources

 Fair Housing Month: 
Celebrated each April to commemorate the landmark 1968 Fair Housing Act in which U.S. law was established that prohibited discrimination in housing. See more about Fair Housing Month activities and programs that you can implement at your association.

Fair Housing Focus
An annual publication from NAR that is available online,  It contains an article about fair housing that can be duplicated and used in your local market area.  You are authorized to print and distribute the Fair Housing Focus. Download the 2016 issue here

Fair Housing Month Poster
Annually, NAR creates a poster that state and local real estate associations may print, use or distribute to promote the REALTOR commitment to Fair Housing.  You are authorized to print and distribute the Fair Housing Month Poster.  It can be printed 22 x 17, 14 x 11, or 11 x 8.5.
Download the 2016 poster

 Fair Housing Poster Contest:
Each year state and local REALTOR® associations sponsor fair housing poster contests with local elementary schools. These contests generally include a specific theme for the year (e.g., Fair Housing for All, Open Hearts – Open Neighborhoods, A Home for Everyone) and incorporate the ideas of the 1968 Fair Housing Act. Upon closing of the contest, volunteer/guest judges are brought in to determine a winner. A winner may receive a prize, or a variety of winners may be chosen to go into the following year’s calendar that is produced by the board and distributed to members, customers, and local businesses. You may even offset your costs by obtaining local business sponsors for the event and/or calendar.

 The At Home with Diversity® (AHWD) Course:
A terrific option for fair housing training, this NAR certificate course contains a major focus on fair housing and discusses the subtleties agents should be aware of when dealing with fair housing issues. In addition to receiving an NAR certificate, attendees can also earn credit toward the CIPS, CRS, and PMN designations. Fair housing continuing education credit is available in many states. 
Learn more.

 Maryland Association of REALTORS®' Fair Housing Toolkit 

 What Everyone Should Know About Equal Opportunity in Housing
A broad overview of fair housing as it relates to REALTORS® and their clients.

 NAR’s Field Guide to Fair Housing

 REALTOR® Fair Housing Declaration
Show you support equal opportunity in housing by displaying this declaration of following fair housing laws and your commitment to provide professional service. 

 Americans with Disabilities Act

 Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP)