Join the REALTOR® Party Mobile Alerts
Enter your mobile phone number and your name in the space below to start receiving NAR action alerts. NAR will send you short text messages when we need your help. It's not a Call for Action, but rather a way to alert you to an impending CFA or to connect you with your Member of Congress for an instant call to relay vital information to him or her. If you have questions about REALTOR® Party Mobile Alerts, please contact Victoria Givens.
We value your privacy. You will receive periodic text alerts from the NAR's REALTOR Action Center and its affiliates. You can unsubscribe at any time — Send a text message with only the word 'STOP' in reply to any text message from us.
The Small Print:
Message & Data Rates May Apply. If you need help with text messaging, please contact your carrier directly for information on text messaging costs and plans and how to use the text messaging features of your phone. NAR can't answer these questions for you. These Web pages may help explain texting for your carrier: AT&T;/Cingular, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile
Not all carriers are supported, but most are (United States only), including AT&T;/Cingular, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and others.
Text 'help' to 30644 for help, or email
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