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Housing Opportunity Grant Regulations

Who can apply for a grant?
A. Any local or state REALTOR® association may apply for funding. The application must either be submitted by the association’s executive officer or the executive officer must be copied on the submission.

What are the maximum funding amounts?
A. The grant program offers three levels of funding. Requests may be made up to the noted maximum amounts; however, a lesser amount may be awarded based on the evaluation of the application.

Level 1 –  $1,500 maximum award
Level 2 –  $5,000 maximum award
Level 3 –  $15,000 maximum award

How many grants can my association receive in a calendar year?
A. An association can receive as many as five Housing Opportunity grants in a calendar year within the noted parameters:

Level 1 – no more than two per calendar year
Level 2 – no more than two per calendar year
Level 3 – no more than one per calendar year

How can the Level 1 grant be used?
A. The Level 1 grant can be used to hold either the Employer-Assisted Housingor Expanding Housing Opportunities class; to host a speaker who can address specific affordable housing issues; or to hold a meeting with community stakeholders to develop coalition efforts.

How can the Level 2 grant be used?
A. The Level 2 grant can be used to support activities that address a specific affordable housing issue in a community or state. Activities that involve partnerships and have a broad community reach are preferred.

How can the Level 3 grant be used?
A. The Level 3 grant can be used to support new projects or to enhance previously initiated efforts that have growth potential. The activity must include working with at least one non-REALTOR®primary partner organization (e.g. housing nonprofit, government agency, local employer, etc.). Activities should be comprehensive, have a broad community reach, and significant REALTOR® involvement. Such activities tend to qualify for higher levels of funding than one-time events (e.g. a symposium) or efforts with limited REALTOR® involvement (e.g. studies/analyses).

Is there anything that grant funds cannot be used for?
A. Grant funds cannot be used for the following: a donation to another organization; as fundraising dollars; as money to hold a fundraiser; to pay for the construction of a home/building; to pay for landscaping materials; to pay for REALTOR®association staff time/hours; or to pay for general operating expenses for any organization.

How far in advance should I submit a grant application?
A. Level 1 applications are accepted on a rolling basis and should be submitted at least 30 days before the date of the activity. Decisions are made within a week of submission.

Level 2 and Level 3 application deadlines are the 15th of each month; January through October. Select the submission deadline that is at least six weeks prior to the date of the activity.  Decisions are typically made within about 30 days of the application deadline.

I didn’t know grants were available and my activity has already taken place. Can I still apply for funding?
A. No, applications cannot be submitted for activities that have already taken place.

Are there restrictions regarding where I can hold my activity?
A. Yes. State and Local REALTOR® associations shall only use resources provided by the NAR REALTOR® Party Program within their association’s territorial jurisdictions as set by NAR.

We are partnering with another REALTOR® association for an activity. Can we both apply for a grant?
A. Multiple associations can apply for a funding for the same activity. However, the combined funding request cannot exceed the maximum award for the grant level.

Who makes funding decisions about the grant requests?
A. NAR program staff approves Level 1 applications and funding amounts. A review panel, made up of members of the NAR Housing Opportunity Committee, approves Level 2 and Level 3 applications and funding amounts.

What criteria are used to judge Level 2 grant applications?
A. The grant review group considers the following things when making Level 2 funding decisions:

Alignment with Housing Opportunity Program goal
Does the proposed activity support the goal of positioning, educating, and assisting REALTORS® to create housing opportunities for all?

Demonstration of critical need

Does the applicant thoroughly explain the affordable housing issue that needs to be addressed?

Quality of the proposed activity
Is the proposed activity of high-quality with a clear purpose, well-defined action items, and measurable goals?

Level of commitment
Does the proposed activity involve a significant level of commitment in terms of member involvement, financial contribution, and staff time?

What criteria are used to judge Level 3 grant applications?
A. The grant review group considers the following when making Level 3 funding decisions:

Alignment with Housing Opportunity Program goal
Does the proposed activity support the goal of positioning, educating, and assisting REALTORS® to create housing opportunities for all?

Demonstration of critical need
Does the applicant thoroughly explain the affordable housing issue that needs to be addressed?

Quality of the proposed activity
Is the proposed activity of high-quality with a clear purpose, well-defined action items, and measurable goals?

Level of commitment
Does the proposed activity involve a significant level of commitment in terms of member involvement, financial contribution, and staff time?

Strength of partnerships
Does the proposed activity create or expand strategic partnerships between REALTORS® and other key community partners?

Is my association required to submit an evaluation after our activity is completed?
A. Yes, recipients must submit an evaluation upon the completion of the activity for which funds were awarded. Please note that completion of the evaluation is required as part of the funding disbursement process.

Is my association required to make a financial contribution toward our activity in order to qualify for a grant?
A. A financial contribution equal to at least 10% of the requested amount is required for Level 3 grant requests.

A financial contribution is not required for Level 1 and Level 2 grant requests. However, a financial contribution is viewed as a sign of commitment from the association for Level 2 grant request.

If my association is approved for a grant, when will we receive the funding?
A. Funds awarded through the Housing Opportunity grant program are disbursed through a reimbursement process. To receive funding, the association must submit required documentation (outlined below) and complete an online evaluation about the grant activity.

Funding Process Details

The association is required to submit to NAR proof of money spent totaling the amount of the grant award. Please note that Level 3 recipients must also submit proof that the association has spent the required 10% financial contribution.

Acceptable forms of proof include an invoice from a vendor, a signed contract with a consultant/speaker, receipts for items purchased, and cancelled checks.

The request for reimbursement must be made within 90 days of the completion of the activity for which the grant was awarded.

The association must submit an evaluation upon the completion of the activity for which funds were awarded.

Once all documentation is received and the evaluation has been completed, NAR will send a check in the amount of the incurred costs.

The activity must take place within one year of approval notification from NAR in order to be eligible for funding reimbursement.

For further information, contact:
Wendy Penn
Manager, Housing Opportunity Program
National Association of REALTORS®
500 New Jersey Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20001
202/434-9693 (fax)