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Navigating Capitol Hil

Meetings in Cannon House Office Building’s 5th Floor

Getting to this part of Cannon is tricky. NOT all elevators reach the 5th floor. As you pass thru security, please ask a uniformed officer for the special elevators that go to the 5th floor.

Congested Entry Points for Congressional Meetings

Springtime on the Hill brings many visitors to the halls of Congress. Security lines can be long, particularly in the mornings.  The most popular entrances are located on Constitution Avenue for the Senate buildings and Independence Avenue for the House buildings.

Entry alternatives include:   

  • On the Senate side, try the Hart Building’s horseshoe located on Second Street, NW between Constitution Avenue and C Street. Also, try the Dirksen Building’s rear entrance located at 1st and C Streets, NE. 
  • On the House side try entering both Longworth and Rayburn from South Capitol Street between Independence Avenue and C Street. 

Remember, once you are inside one office building in the House or Senate you can connect to another through the basement hallways. This is very convenient and what we suggest.  However, if you are trying to get from the Senate side to the House side or vice versa, you cannot do so by going underground. You will want to exit the building and walk outside (about 10 minutes). If you are crunched for time, please take a taxi.  If you run into any navigation troubles, ask any uniformed Capitol Police officer for assistance—they are eager to help.

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