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Land Use Initiative, Memo Database, and Growth Management Fact Book

Free Legislative & Regulatory Analysis for State and Local Associations

NAR’s Land Use Initiative is a program designed to assist state and local REALTOR® associations in their public policy advocacy of land use issues. Upon request, NAR will provide expert analysis of the legal, planning, economic, and environmental issues surrounding legislative and regulatory land use proposals. The initiative has helped state and local REALTOR® associations across the country deal with a variety of land use and Smart Growth issues. NAR, with the law firm of Robinson & Cole, LLP has provided guidance and expert opinion on over 800 different legislative and regulatory issues that effect the interest of REALTORS®.

 Access the Land Use Memo Database (login required).

Access the Growth Management Fact Book

The Growth Management Factbook provides in-depth discussions on land use management policies. Consulting this reference can be a good first step in determining how to proceed with a land use issue. Access this reference if you need to get up-to-speed on various land use management techniques and their impact on the real estate industry.

 How to Use the Land Use Initiative:

The program focuses on proposed rather than existing measures. In addition to accepting land use measures that have been pre-filed, filed or introduced, the program will also accept early drafts of legislation and reports and studies that may serve as a basis for future legislation or regulation.

NAR will only accept requests from state or local REALTOR® associations. The request must be signed by the association president, association executive, executive officer, or government affairs director. There is no charge to the state or local REALTOR® association. You must complete Tracking Form 1 and submit the form, with signature, to NAR with the documents to be analyzed.

Land use measures may include the following: energy, climate, comprehensive plans; zoning ordinances, bylaws, and amendments; subdivision regulations; landscaping and tree preservation requirements; impact fees; open space requirements; environmental laws such as those pertaining to storm water management, wetlands, and endangered species protection; and other growth management measures such as moratoria, building permit caps, and urban growth boundaries. Also included are state legislation concerning growth management, including enabling legislation for planning, zoning, and development control, and infrastructure funding programs. Additionally, the program will analyze proposed referenda or ballot initiatives. NAR will consider accepting other measures not included in the above list if they pertain to land use or land development.

Once we ensure that a request satisfies the established requirements of the program, we will send it to the law firm of Robinson & Cole, which NAR has retained for this program.

 The Land Use Initiative Application Process:

  1. Complete NAR Land Use Tracking Form 1, including the signature of the association president, AE or GAD. Also note on the form any specific concerns and any desired deadlines, such as hearing dates. Submit the Tracking Form and the land use document to be analyzed to the contact address below.
  2. NAR will review the submitted plan, legislation or regulation to ensure that it conforms to the requirements of the program. If the proposal is accepted, the material will be sent to Robinson & Cole, and the submitting association will receive a notice by e-mail that the material has been accepted for analysis.
  3. Robinson & Cole will review the material and make telephone or e-mail contact with the association within three business days of receipt of the material. If requested, Robinson & Cole will provide a written analysis within 15 working days of receipt of the material. This written analysis will be faxed to both the requesting association and NAR.
  4. Within ten business days of receipt of the analysis, the state or local REALTOR® association will fax to NAR Land Use Tracking Form 2 to provide feedback on the service and suggestions for improvement of the program.

Submit NAR Tracking Form 1 to:

Primary Contact:
Adriann Murawski
National Association of REALTORS®
500 New Jersey Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-383-1068
Fax: 202-383-7580

Secondary Contact:
Joe Molinaro
National Association of REALTORS®
500 New Jersey Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-383-1068
Fax: 202-383-7580