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Get REALTORS Involved in the Contest!

Help us get REALTORS® involved in the contest! Here are some easy ways to spread the word.

 Share the contest link on Facebook. Share

 Tweet about it! Mention the contest on Twitter and link to the contest page (you can use this short URL: http://tinyurl.com/realtorvideo) or retweet any of @RealtorAction's updates about the contest.

 Put this badge on your Web site. Just copy the code below for whichever size you prefer.


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Code for Small Badge:

 Contact us if you have questions or suggestions! E-mail or call Hilary Woodward at 202-383-1235.

Call for Action + Issue Awareness 

Share Your Story
Enter the 2010 REALTOR® Party Video Contest! Tell us why you think it's important to "Vote, Act, Invest"—and win prizes.
 Learn More!  

Join the REALTOR® Party
It is time to put partisan politics behind us and work with leaders on both sides of the aisle who are fighting to keep the American dream of homeownership alive. 
 Take Action Now

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