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Thank you for supporting the REALTOR® Party!

As part of your commitment to the REALTOR®  Party, we asked you to help educate your fellow REALTORS® about the critical work that must be done at all levels of government to keep our industry strong and vibrant. Start now by telling your colleagues about the REALTOR® Party. Send them an email today and them to join with you to Vote, to Act and to Invest in RPAC: 

Recipient Email Addresses:*
Separate email addresses using a comma, semi-colon or new line. Note that you may send up to 10 emails per message and 20 emails per day.

Your Name:*

First NameLast Name

Your Email:*
You must use a registered email address.


You may edit the message or send it as is. The system will automatically include the web address for this ActionAlert at the bottom of your message.

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