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Request an RPAC Speaker

Fill out this form to request an RPAC representative to speak or appear at your next event or meeting.

Completing and submitting this request does not guarantee a speaker on behalf of RPAC at your meeting/event, but we will try to accommodate your request. Questions regarding this form should be directed to Marta Morehead at mmorehead@realtors.org.

Your Information:

First Name*   
Last Name* 
Email Address* 

RPAC Speaker and Event Information:

Requested RPAC Leader/Speaker: 
Requested NAR RPAC Staff Name (if applicable): 
Alternate Speaker Choice: 
Event Name: 
Event Location/Venue: 
What type of event is this? 


Upload your conference or meeting agenda, if applicable:
Briefly describe event: 
Start Date for Requested RPAC Speaker:
End Date for Requested RPAC Speaker:
In what activities will the speaker participate? (Please include speaking topics): 
Will there be PowerPoint capability? 
Do you prefer the RPAC speaker to utilize a PowerPoint Presentation? 
Please describe the RPAC speaker's non-speaking roles at your event (if applicable): 
If hotel arrangements are necessary, will that be the RPAC speaker's responsibility or will you handle that? 
Please provide any questions or additional comments below: 
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